Message from Chairman

Allah (SWT) said, “Indeed it is only knowledgeable among His servants who truly fear Allah.” (35:28). Mohammad (SAW) said, “Seeking knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim.”
Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh. All praise is due to Allah (SWT) only and sending the prayer and salutation to the last Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Alhamdulillah, since 2014, Al Hera Kids Heaven (AHKH) is striving to achieve Quran-Sunnah-based moral education along with Hifz and general education consisting of subjects like English, Mathematics, and ICT/Science, in an unprecedented combination of teaching systems in English and Bangla mediums. Ensuring our vision, of creating a platform for Muslim boys and girls to become Hafez/Hafeza at their proper ages with no lack of general education at the same time.
One of the major focuses of our curriculum is to make the students Hafez/Hafeza confident in Arabic and in English with having a strong edifice in our mother tongue. This curriculum will not only assist the student to excel in their individual career but will also aid them in be International Scholar, who will comprehend the Quran and Sunnah in their original language and preach them in Bangla, Arabic, or English, In Sha Allah! Keeping our focuses in mind, the curriculum has been developed in five different levels:


  • Level – 1: Alphabet Introduction – P1 (Age Limit 4 to 5 years)
  • Level – 2: Qaidah Department – P2 & G1/SP (Age Limit 5 to 6 years)
  • Level – 3: Amparah Department – G1 (Age limit 6 to 7 years)
  • Level – 4: Nazerah Department – G2 & G3 (Age limit 7 to 8+ years)
  • Level – 5: Hifz Department – G4 & G5 (Age limit 9 to 11 years)

Al Hera Kids Heaven is committed to providing top-quality blended education of the Quran, Sunnah and modern subjects to convey the authentic and practical Islamic knowledge, while at the same time enabling its students to face the contemporary challenges of the 21st century. We will assess and re-evaluate every aspect of our academic model on an ongoing basis and will emphasize that they must strive their utmost to put the knowledge into practice.
It is my strong belief, that education is a combined tuned effort of the students, teachers, and parents. If we can harmonize the efforts of all these three components, we will achieve the desired result. And be sure of it, if we can synchronize properly, no doubt, your child would be an invaluable asset to the Nation, In Sha Allah!